First Glimpse Of Unicron In Latest Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Trailer

Paramount pictures recently released the newest trailer of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. The latest footage features the live-action debut of the planet-eating Unicron and Scourge, villains that are major callbacks to the original Transformers animated movie back in 1986.
We also get to see the Maximals' Cheetor, Rhinox, Airazor, and Autobot Wheeljack in action against the Terrorcons in the trailer. Scorponok of the Predacons was teased as well.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, takes place seven years after the events of "Bumblebee" -- 1994 to be exact.
Seems like it's a combination of storylines from both the 1986 Transformers: The Movie and Beast Wars animated series in the early 2000's. Again, this is just the first full trailer of the movie. Expect more teasers prior to its theatrical release.
Starring Anthony Ramos (Noah Diaz), Dominique Fishback (Elena Wallace), Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime), Ron Perlman (Optimus Primal), Peter Davidson (Mirage), Liza Koshy (Arcee), Christo Fernandez (Wheeljack), Michelle Yeoh (Airazor), David Sobolov (Rhinox), Tongayi Chiriza (Cheetor), Colman Domingo (Unicron), Peter Dinklage (Scourge) and directed by Steven Caple Jr.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts premieres on June 9, 2023.